
My children and my grandchildren grew up in the Tomahawk family. Wonderful memories and life long friendships were made. -Patricia Waller

The following testimonial was sent to the Board of Directors by one of our TYA members.

"I have 2 boys that I take to football practice with TYA.  They’re not my boys.  They’re ones that I know want to play, but their parents have other commitments and weren’t sure they’d be able to get them there every day.  Yesterday, we were early to practice and I had a chance to just sit back and watch as everyone was busy getting ready for practice to start.  As I was watching, a wonderful thought came to my mind, and I just had to share it with you.  This is more than just football.  You have an incredible group of people who are there every single day, volunteering their time to spend it with these kids.  So many of these kids don’t have constant role models in their lives.  We hear about it all the time.  But as I watched these people interact with all of those kids and show an interest in their lives both on and off the field, it touched my heart in a very special way.  So many of those volunteers were getting out of their cars and not bringing kids of their own.  They are there solely to reach out to children who are not theirs.  This may be the most over-looked part of your program -   Something that so many parents take for granted.  But I wanted you to know that I noticed it.  I saw the passion these people have in their eyes for what they’re doing. The genuine caring that they have for these kids.  They really are making a difference in the lives of these kids. To me, yesterday was a game changer and it made me so happy to be a part of this organization."

Send your own testimonial here!


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